The Final Straw is a weekly anarchist and anti-authoritarian radio show bringing you voices and ideas from struggle around the world. We’ve been broadcasting from occupied Tsalagi land in Southern Appalachia (Asheville, NC). We also frequently feature commentary (serious and humorous) by anarchist prisoner, Sean Swain. More archives going back to 2010 can be found at our website.
You can send us letters at:
The Final Straw Radio P.O. Box 6004 Asheville, NC 28816, USA
To suggest content for the show, please send us an email at:
The Final Straw is a weekly anarchist and anti-authoritarian radio show bringing you voices and ideas from struggle around the world. Since 2010, we've been broadcasting from occupied Tsalagi land in Southern Appalachia (Asheville, NC). We are hosted by William Goodenuff, Scott Branson and Bursts O'Goodness. We also frequently feature commentary (serious and humors) by anarchist prisoner, Sean Swain.
All archives of the show are up forever at