Mar 19, 2017
This episodes features two portions.
In the first segment we talk to Noelle about the case of Janye
Waller. Janye is a young Black revolutionary from Oakland,
California, who was the only person convicted of property
destruction during the 2014 demonstrations in the Bay following the
non-acquittal of pigs for the murders of Michael Brown and Freddie
Gray. Noelle is a supporter of Janye Waller and believes that
Janye's conviction was a clear case of railroading and racial
profiling against a community activist. Janye is now
finishing up a 2 year sentence with one year off for good
behavior. The interview was held in February of 2017, and
Janye is set to be released in coming months, then he's out on
parole. You can find out more about his case and donate to his
post-release fund at and updates can be
found on his support fedbook page and to find out more about some
projects Janye was involved with in Oakland, check out the site for
You can write to Janye in the near future by addressing letters to:
Janye Waller #ba2719
A Facility,
P.O. Box 2500,
Susanville, CA 96127-2500
Anarchist Observations of the Struggle at Standing Rock
In the second segment I speak with Noah, who is a well
established movement medic, anarchist, and participant in #NoDAPL
at Standing Rock, about his experiences there and analyses of how
this resistance was organized and how it developed. This interview
was recorded days before media saw the images of the Sacred Stone
Camp burning and having been disbanded, so many of the modes and
tenses that we employ are not what we might given the current
position of the camps. We talk about a wide ranging set of topics,
from what worked in the camps to what the failings were, and how
resistance to extraction industries could look moving forward.
For links on how to support the efforts at Standing Rock - which
are ongoing and support is needed both for folk's legal and medical
expenses - check out:
Water Protector Legal Collective
Sacred Stone Camp
Medic and Healer Council
ACAB2017 End of Submissions
Shortly there'll be a posted end to a call for submissions for presenters, workshops and bands at the first annual Asheville Another Carolina Anarchist Bookfaire up on the website (, but we announce it here. Submission deadline is April 1st, 2017. Spots are filling up fast. Check out the website for updates and we hope to see you there!
TROUBLE showing at Firestorm, March 24th @ 7pm
That about says it. First episode of TROUBLE, which was chatted about in our last episode as the new video series by subMedia will be showing at Firestorm Books & Coffee at 7pm on Friday the 24th of March!
Episode Playlist